This is a simple PHP class to manage a collection of items.
Refer to the sample at the end for usage example.
<?php class Collection { var $elements = array(); var $counter = 0; var $pointer = 0; function Collection() { } function add($element) { $this->elements[$this->counter] = $element; $this->counter++; $this->pointer++; } function remove($element) { $found = null; for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->elements); $i++) { if ($this->elements[$i] == $element) { $found = $i; } } if ($found != null) { array_splice($this->elements, $found, 1); $this->counter--; $this->pointer--; } } function contains($element) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->elements); $i++) { if ($this->elements[$i] == $element) { return true; } } return false; } function hasNext() { return $this->pointer < $this->counter; } function hasPrevious() { return $this->pointer > 0; } function next() { return $this->elements[$this->pointer++]; } function first() { $this->pointer = 0; return $this->elements[$this->pointer]; } function last() { $this->pointer = $this->counter; return $this->elements[$this->pointer]; } function previous() { return $this->elements[--$this->pointer]; } function count() { return count($this->elements); } } ?>
Example usage:
<?php require_once "Collection.php"; $collection = new Collection(); for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { $element = "Element $i"; $collection->add($element); } $collection->first(); while ($collection->hasNext() ) { $element = $collection->next(); echo $element . "n"; } echo "n"; $collection->previous(); $collection->previous(); $collection->remove("Element 7"); $collection->last(); while ($collection->hasPrevious() ) { $element = $collection->previous(); echo $element . "n"; } ?>