How to switch off a screen laptop under Linux

In this post, I describe how to write a shell script that switches off a laptop screen. The instructions are tested with Ubuntu Linux 5.10 (Breezy) on a Dell Latitude C810. First, set the governor for the CPU frequency with the following command. echo powersave > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor This command can be run automatically at run-level …

Rapid web development

Lately, I have been experimenting with a technique to accelerate web application development in Java. It does without custom servlets and relies on Java Server Pages (JSP). Here is how it is implemented. First, define an interface called Controller. Declare a method called handleRequest that takes as arguments an HttpServletRequest and an HttpServletResponse. The method …

How to handle spam efficiently

Opening messages to decide whether they must be read or be discarded works well with low volumes of email. However, with ever increasing messages and more sophisticated spam techniques, this filtering method becomes unsustainable. Spam filters based on statistics and heuristics are useful to cut down the number of unnecessary messages that we have to …

Better Software Faster

I rediscovered the website for the book Better Software Faster. Bizarrely, although very good, this book is hardly ever referenced. Describing similar modelling techniques as but written much earlier than Domain-Driven Design, it can be considered as the latter’s precursor. Unlike DDD, however, it includes practical examples and source code, which make the techniques more …

Domain-Driven Design, the quest for software perfection

I have been reading Domain-Driven Design by Eric Evans since last August. Although the topic is interesting, it has been difficult to read the book—at least for me. Eric explains domain models in great detail but provides few practical examples. As a developer, I am primarily interested in implementation. So, I have to pause frequently …

Copy/paste command-line utilities

Inspired by the programs pbcopy and pbpaste in Mac OS X, I created similar utilities in Windows. .NET Framework 1.1 is required for these programs to work. clipin.cs using System; using System.IO; using System.Windows.Forms; public class ClipboardCopy { public static void Main(string[] args) { string input = Console.In.ReadToEnd(); Clipboard.SetDataObject(input, true); Console.WriteLine(“Text copied to clipboard.”); } …