Recently I was asked how to read a file without using streams in Visual Basic. Of course, if you’ve done this once in GW-Basic, you never forget. Dim iFileNumber As Integer Dim sLine As String iFileNumber = FreeFile Open “C:\stats.log” For Input As iFileNumber Do While Not EOF(iFileNumber) Input #iFileNumber, sLine MsgBox sLine Loop
Author Archives: Eddy Young
EJB Exception Handling
It is striking that most search results for the keywords “EJB” and “exceptions” point to the same few articles at IBM DeveloperWorks. Unfortunately, they are too advanced for beginners. This post is a simple guide to handling exceptions in EJB. Definitions A checked exception is derived from java.lang.Exception but is not a subclass of java.lang.RuntimeException. …
PHP collection class
This is a simple PHP class to manage a collection of items. Refer to the sample at the end for usage example. Collection.php: <?php class Collection { var $elements = array(); var $counter = 0; var $pointer = 0; function Collection() { } function add($element) { $this->elements[$this->counter] = $element; $this->counter++; $this->pointer++; } function remove($element) { …
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